as i gathered my thoughts to write my thesis proposal in fall 2022, i made several preliminary collages/art explorations. collage has been an important part of my personal art-making practice in recent years. when i'm working in collage, i work very intuitively, with no preconceived notion of how the work will look when finished. i choose materials and let them do the talking. the approach is similar to webdesign in some ways (at least how i practice webdesign) - two-dimensional, layered, rearranging parts to create meaning.

dangerous-angels is the research journal for mary reed's MAT thesis project.
read more about the inquiry here.

read my thesis support paper here.

♡ t h e s i s ♡ p r o p o s a l ♡ d o t p d f
♡ p r e l i m i n a r y ♡ c o l l a g e s
♡ d o c u m e n t ♡ c o l l e c t i o n

DOMAIN INFO was registered at iwantmyname in january 2023. it's hand coded in visual studio code and hosted on github pages. the name pays homage to francesca lia block's weetzie bat books, and the terrifying spectre that is an anonymous teenage girl on the internet.

other people's projects that speak to the historic time period of the teen girl internet of the early 2000s
♡ d o l l z t a r o t d e c k
♡ l a l a l a n d
♡ l o s t m e m o r i e s d o t n e t
♡ m e l o n l a n d f o r u m
♡ p i x e l f r i e n d s f o r t r a d e

♡ g u e s t b o o k
♡ m a r y k e l l y r e e d [at] g m a i l